tisdag 24 november 2009

I don’t like the weather right know; it’s November but all that I can see is dark clouds and no snow. I would rather have 3dm snow and -20C°, then it wouldn’t bee any clouds at the sky and there would by 7 to 8 hours of light a day and if it became cloudy all the light would reflect at the snow and make it look brighter. Much better then the wet and cloudy weather that has been around 24/7 for 2-3 months right now. Because of that I’ve started having sleeping problems, witch results in studying problems and a small depression. If you would make a “motivation to study” scale, my normal scale would be crawling at the ground. Now it’s bellow ground making tunnels. And on top of that it’s almost the end of this half year of school and all the school stuff that I have been pushing in front of me is starting to tilt over.

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